We pray now in the Spirit because we do not know the words to pray.
We are all the family of God.  Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.

For the mothers; oh God, for these tenacious mothers, their trauma outside our country, and their tragedy now inside; for their terror, and grief, and fatigue.
We weep with you, mothers.  Lord, have mercy.

For the smallest children, too little to understand, who are frightened and lonely and confused: comfort their suffering souls.
We beat our breasts for you, little children.  Christ, have mercy.

For the older children, who know that something isn’t right, and are realizing that they may have no rights.
We cry out for you, sons and daughters.  Lord, have mercy.

For the fathers, tangled in the system, minimized as criminals, uncertain and in despair.
We grieve for you, fathers.  Christ, have mercy.

For the government workers who are just following orders: rain holy disorder down on their minds, their souls, and their sleep until they can no longer rest.  Awaken them from their daze of compliance to works of great compassion.
We call on holy disorder to disrupt an unjust system.  Lord, have mercy.

For the caregivers told not to comfort these children of God, we ask for courage to embrace and embody what is right.
We ask for courage for those in contact.  Christ, have mercy.

To those in power, to those responsible for this darkness, we say: Woe to you!  One day your eyes will be opened.  May God have mercy on your souls.
We proclaim woe upon the heads of the instigators.  Lord, have mercy.

Together in community, we petition the spirit of tenderness and lovingkindness. Help us trust in the one who has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
Bring hope to the hopeless.  Hear our prayer.  Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.